If someone asks me to do something “kindly” I often find myself fighting the urge to exercise a little indirect malice. You know, just to spite.
One Liners
I judge podcasts and videos on whether they offer a 1.75× speed option. That’s my baby bear porridge right there.
I just migrated two sites from PHP 7 to 8 and boy are my feet tired.
I carved out the soundhole for an acoustic parlor guitar I’m making and now I have a pretty sweet coaster for my desk.

“This monophonic microgroove recording is playable on monophonic and stereo phonographs. It cannot become obsolete. It will continue to be a source of outstanding sound reproduction, providing the finest monophonic performance from any phonograph.”

I looked for a WordPress alternative to teach framework development next semester and landed on Astro. Wow, it’s a lot of fun and I can’t wait to do the lectures!
Our family broke down and got a stinkin’ puppy.

“About 1 second remaining” is the new beachball spinner.
You’re gonna wanna hang out at the next Smashing Hour… not for me but to watch my face melted off by Alex Russell while we chat.
I’m always tickled that the guy who wrote “Penny Lane” eventually hired a guitarist named Denny Laine