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✏️ Entries

  • Robert Birming

    Hey Geoff, just found your blog via another guestbook. Love the design! And that β€œOne Liners” thing is such an awesome idea. 😎

    What you’re doing:

    I found your name somewhere πŸ‘€

    Signed on:

  • John Philpin

    Actually – from Manu.
    Always nice to make new connections.

    What you’re doing:

    I found your name somewhere πŸ‘€

    Signed on:

  • Salam Salam

    I’ll steal your idea of “One Liners” page in exchange for this signature :p

    What you’re doing:

    Not even sure how I got here! ⁉️

    Signed on:

  • Mike McGraw

    Good work, Geoff. Former electronics tech & technical writer here (Brooktree, Qualcomm, now retired.) I worked at QC with several Ed Techs and did a lot of basic HTML site creation and maintenance, up to HTML 4.
    What you’ve built is excellent, I’m sure. (Will see more as I dig into your courses.) For now, just β€œThank you” for your dedication.


    What you’re doing:

    Checking out a blog post πŸ“

    Signed on:

  • Max Glenister

    This is great!

    What you’re doing:

    Not even sure how I got here! ⁉️

    Signed on:

  • Manuel Moreale

    Hell yeah another guestbook! I might have to start linking to all these awesome guestbooks out there. I’m so happy to know you added one to your site Geoff.

    Keep up the good blogging!

    What you’re doing:

    Just surfiin’ around ????‍♂️

    Signed on:

  • Jeff Bridgforth

    Geoff, great name even if you don’t spell it right. Totally kidding. I know some Jeffs or Geoffs that have strong opinions about it but I am not one of them.

    I enjoyed reading The Thin Line Between Admirable and Stupidity. I am at a juncture in my career where I would like to explore opportunities to consider as I am later in age than most developers. I hope you can move in a direction that fulfills you over the longer term. I also enjoy your posts on WordPress, front-end, and career stuff. I also really love baseball and saw you mention Spring Training in your Guestbook post. Thanks for all that you do.

    I have been aware of you for a long time through CSS Tricks and Smashing Magazine but just recently started following you here on your site after seeing several boasts on Mastodon. Cheers!

    What you’re doing:

    Checking out a blog post ????

    Signed on:

  • Ben LaCroix

    Totally stoked about the ongoing guestbook revival. Have already picked up some super helpful tricks after following your blog for about a month or so. Keep up the good work!

    What you’re doing:

    Checking out a blog post ????

    Signed on:

  • Yochai Glik

    First, am I?

    What you’re doing:

    Just surfiin’ around ????‍♂️

    Signed on: