August 10, 2020

WordPress can @mention a user

I haven’t heard a dang thing about it, but apparently it’s possible to reference anyone who is a registered user of your WordPress site using @mentions.

If you’re wondering what the heck an @mention is, it’s the same sort of thing you’d use to reply or mention another Twitter user in a tweet.

In WordPress, it’s done directly in the post block editor. Type @ and a contextual menu pops up that suggests matching users that autocomplete when selected.

I’m honestly not sure what this is useful for! From what I can tell, it merely prints the person’s username. No links. No notifications. Just plain text.


  1. # August 11, 2020

    Automattic just relaunched P2, which seems to have pivoted from WP theme for team collaboration to SaaS (it still is a blog underneath). And there, @mentions are a feature. Maybe @mentions made it to core WP because of this.

  2. # August 11, 2020

    I saw that, but didn’t make the connection! That would be super interesting, especially if the updated P2 makes it to self-hosted WordPress.

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