Version 4.0

The last time I redesigned this website, the web was becoming a much more exciting place for web designers. I remember reading Ethan Marcotte’s article on responsive web design and immediately trying to figure out how to make my own website all fluid and squishy.

Fast forward to the present and we all know that responsiveness is more than just squishiness. We now know that website performance is just as much a design consideration than our colors, fonts and layouts and we’re starting to have serious discussions on the differences in user experience between touch and click screens.

If my last redesign was reactive to one great new idea, then I hope this one is a reflection of the many great ideas and better practices happening today. So, in the spirit of sharing, I’ve open sourced my website.

Download the site on Github →

I wish I had written more posts during the redesign, but I promise to share what I learned in bits and pieces, moving forward. However, here are a few of things I was able to squeeze in:

Please feel free to fork my WordPress theme from Github, contribute to it, or use it for your own work. Let me know if you use it. I’d love to see what you build.

✏️ Handwritten by Geoff Graham on October 10, 2013