December 10, 2024

This Site’s Gone Downhill

I hear this a lot as someone who runs a beloved corner of the web. And I get it: change can be an uncomfortable thing. I get uncomfortable, too, if I set my alarm clock to go off at a different time than it normally does. That’s when I start muttering about mornings going downhill.

I think there are some things worth calling out as long as we’re talking about calling things out.

  • There are still people working hard on that thing you think is heading downhill.
  • Those people still love the thing you think is heading downhill.
  • Most other people still love the thing you think is heading downhill.
  • Change can mean heading downhill, but it doesn’t have to.
  • Maybe you’re in the process of heading downhill and feel like taking others with ya.

I love the work I do and the things I get to work on. There’s nothing downhill about what I’m doing. I like to think I’m moving uphill most days, only it’s a different hill with a different vantage point that still requires a bunch of effort (and craft) to climb.


  1. # December 10, 2024

    lol that last one is SPICY



  • 💬 Jeff Bridgforth

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