February 28, 2024
The Perfect Storm?
- Web components are “having a moment”.
- Some folks wonder if a collective effort towards a Global Web Documentation platform is a better alternative to Mozilla Developer Network.
- Chris took a big swing on re-acquiring CSS-Tricks.
- We collectively purchase CSS-Tricks back from DigitalOcean.
- Then we work it into a one-stop archive of documentation for all-things-front-end for the community, by the community.
- And include a centralized collection of reusable web components based on well-established UI components.
No reality lens on this. Just noting three distinct movements that are on three different paths that could feasibly converge into one deal under the right conditions.
@geoff I’m in for this.
I may not be known in the community, working in higher ed web and all, but I would be down for this!
Hey, you and me both! I’d love to know what you teach and even compare some notes if you’re up for it. Reach out in my contact form!