March 15, 2022

Thank you, Chris.

Did you know that CodePen used to have a job board? I do, because that’s how I applied to be a technical writer at CSS-Tricks. At the end of 2014, Chris Coyier took an ad out of his own board seeking writers.

I wish I had a screenshot of that ad. I also wish I still had our first email chain after I replied to the listing. All I really remember is being nervous to hit the Send button and a lot of waiting. But it did happen and it quickly turned from a freelance gig to a job.

I’ve been lucky to consistently work alongside Chris since then. But as many of you know by now, that has come to an end. CSS-Tricks is now in the Digital Ocean family and Chris gets to spend his full-time attention over at CodePen.

This isn’t some update on what I’m doing next or how I feel about the whole thing. It’s an open thank-you letter to you, Chris. It’s a thank you for the opportunity you gave me to get involved in the wonderful CSS-Tricks community you created. It’s a thank you for an education in front-end development that is literally impossible to get anywhere else. It’s a thank you for growing me professionally and personally through responsibilities and setting good examples.

It’s just a thank you. Really, thank you.

And congratulations, buddy! I love it when good β€” nay, awesome β€” people such as yourself achieve well-earned success. CSS-Tricks is more than a blog. It’s a place where we learn together and move each other forward by sharing tips, tricks, advice, resources, ideas, and opinions. It’s a place where we can do that safely, where egos are checked at the door and everyone dons a learning cap.

You created a valuable place. And others clearly see and appreciate that value.

I certainly do. And I value the years of work and friendship it gave me in return. Your labor of love has paid off, and I couldn’t be happier for you.

Thank you.



  1. Alessandro
    # March 21, 2022

    thank you all CSS-Tricks team! You are great! and I wish you all the best for your future plans.


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