Son Volt (but Mostly Jack Broadbent)

I saw Son Volt perform at The Aggie Theater here in Fort Collins. My buddy, Scott, joined me. We’re not really “photo” people, so there’s no cute selfie of us hanging out outside or anything. But I did manage to take a shot of the show poster.

Son Volt With Jack Broadbent concert poster. August 5, 2022, Aggie Theater.

The show was my first since moving into town. Scott arrived in Fort Collins a mere day before the concert, so it was sort of a celebration of us having both made it out here. Funny enough, Scott realized — about three songs in — that this was his first concert since the beginning of Covid. Good gosh! We both let the sounds and vibrations sink in and heal our souls.

But I’d say most of that enjoyment was due to the opener, a solo artist named Jack Broadbent. The dude walked on the small stage looking like a roadie. He took a seat on a modest wooden stool, flipped his acoustic guitar facing up on his lap, and proceeded to bash the hell out of it with some of the best slide-driven (or, more accurately, flask-driven) rock and blues that I’ve ever heard live. I found this older clip of him nailing a cover of “On the Road Again”:

That’s how he opened the show! Scott and I looked at each other and knew we were in for a treat. Everything he played hit me, especially his Little Feet cover of “Willin'”. Again, another clip from some other performance.

As for Son Volt? They were good. I mean, they came, they played, and they left. Jay Ferrar ain’t known for giving out warm fuzzies, but his voice was solid. I may have been way more into it if Mr. Broadbent hadn’t already taken for such a wild sonic ride. I would’ve even had a tough time getting into a Bob Dylan performance after a showing like that.

✏️ Handwritten by Geoff Graham on August 12, 2022


  1. P/M
    # August 13, 2022

    Over the top phenomenal!

  2. # August 13, 2022

    Whew, that Willin’ is epic.

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