May 22, 2008

On the Move

I have finally run out of excuses for not blogging. My favorite excuse has always been the pressure of posting regularly. Ingenuity can easily run dry and I don’t want my drought of creativity up for public display.

Then came Twitter, whose 140-character limits strip out any need for elaborate detail. It is actually one great examples of less as more and how restrictions can sometimes equal freedom.

My other favorite excuse was time. Again, Twitter solves this in one broad stroke. But with the marriage of mobile phones and social networking getting more and more intimate, blogging can happen anytime, anywhere. Just tonight, I synced both my Twitter and Tumblr accounts to my cell phone. This message is brought to you by email over my iPhone.

We all know social networking is still in the toddler stage of its lifetime. For one thing, no one is quite sure how to make the platform profitable. Developments like this, though, give us a glimpse at the goodies we have to look forward to on the future.

They also make us aware of how different communication will look as well and how we need to consider how we are affected by them. How will you and friends make dinner plans over the weekend? Can a company serve more customers with a few Twitter feeds and message boards than a traditional toll free hotline? Will churches be able to share the Gospel in 140 characters or less? However we are affected by the growing movement of the blogosphere, one thing is for sure: I’ve run out of good excuses to be a participant.

And so have you.