May 20, 2009

His Space

No, no. Not the plagarized Christian alternative to MySpace. Conde Nast Portfolio ran an interesting profile in their April 2009 issue on Chris DeWolfe, MySpace CEO. In it, DeWolfe offers a Twitter-scaled outline of the site’s plans for the next five years. Among them? Allowing MySpace users to export their profiles and embed them into other sites.

Although DeWolfe’s number one priority remains making MySpace profitable, opening up its network is clearly a great idea. As the onslaught of social networking platforms continues with the likes of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, it’s becoming clear that socializing online has less to do with the place than it does with the ability to interact. Who cares where you comment on a person’s status? It’s all good, as long as I can do it. Who cares where I get my Gmail? Just make sure it gets to me wherever I happen to be. Want to know what I’m listening to? Why should you have to go to Pandora to find out?

Obviously, this is what DeWolfe is hoping will be the future of MySpace: a place for you to get all that information in one spot. From emails and address books to blogs, groups, comments, search and bookmarks. Your MySpace will be the only bookmark you need.

The ability to mash sites together and let our virtual lives live together harmoniously is what people are after. No more signing into five different sites to say the same thing over and over. No more checking in on one group of friends here and the rest of them over there. APIs already provide the gateway to make all our spaces truly, well, our spaces. And it would be a good idea for social networking sites to open themselves up more to eachother.

Twitter is already on the forefront of API accessiblity. MySpace would be all the better for jumping into the action.