January 25, 2024

Artificial Listicles

One of the things I’m noticing more an more with automated robot writing is its tendency to summarize key points in lists. Take, for example, the following prompt:

What was The Beatles most significant achievement?

I’m trying to ask ChaptGPT something that doesn’t require a list in order to provide an answer but get one anyway:

ChatGPT output with four list items.

OK, sure. I suppose a list is one possible way to answer that question, but it didn’t have to be. Maybe we can try something a little more yes-or-no:

Are web components a good use case for a widget that displays a table of contents?

ChatGPT output with four list items.

There’s the answer right up front! That’s all I need, yet the bot jabbers on and starts listing things out. It’s not that every query leads to a list but I find they often do.

Now I find myself giving the side eye to articles that make liberal use of lists. It’s become a sort of bad smell that makes me wince at first glance. Many of the articles I review for Smashing Magazine make liberal use of lists. It’s a bit unfortunate, but understandable, that I now feel the need to take extra steps to comfirm that a list is original and distinguishable from the multitudes of autogenerated articifical listicles published daily.


  1. # January 25, 2024

    I think the mobile app didn’t behave like this, because I remember last time on mobile app (android), I want more even detail answer and it always give kind of short answer

  2. # January 26, 2024

    I think the “list with headings” technique is an SEO strategy. I wonder if chat GPT has consumed so much online SEO-optimised writing it’s picked up this technique?


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